Signs Of Apple’s Demise.


With the recent iOS 6 Apple Maps debacle, now the delay of iTunes 11, and the recent firing of several executives are we seeing the rise or the fall of Apple?! Where Apple Maps is concerned it has been stated that Apple’s license with Google’s map service had at least another year before expiring. Apple, at the hand of Scott Forstall, decided to go ahead and launch their own map service while knowingly including several mistakes. Later the company issued an apology on their site which Mr. Forstall refused to sign which caused his boot from Apple. Sign number one of Apple’s demise?

At Apple’s September iPhone 5 launch event they previewed iTunes 11 and announced a “by October’s end” release. October 31st came and by the last hour of the day Apple announced that iTunes 11 was delayed until “November’s end”. With only 3 days left as of this posting many Apple watchers and fanboys alike are speculating that Apple will again delay iTunes 11 for yet another month possibly longer. Is Apple on a downward slope to no longer being the number 1 tech company? Only time will tell.

WWDC Keynote Tomorrow, iOS 6 And OS X Announcements.



With iOS 6 set to debut at the WWDC keynote this Monday, along with other OS X announcements, the rumor mill has been in full churn for months. The main focus of many rumors of iOS 6 has been the introduction of Apple’s own in house maps. With all the rumored features that have been floating about that we are likely to see come Monday there’s one feature I’d like to see, device-to-device airplay mirroring. The main reason I think this is useful is for the gamers. Many households may own an iPhone and iPad, or multiple iPod touch’s and an AppleTV or whatever combination of devices you can think up. With AirServer for Mac, PC, and iOS you can AirPlay to other devices without the need of an apple tv. Many people don’t see the need in buying an AppleTv with its limitations therefore have another iOS device that they can connect to a tv. This is where the airplay mirroring comes into play. Apple could become a gaming powerhouse by allowing device to device AirPlay mirroring via hdmi out. Many dedicated gamers prefer playing big titles like N.O.V.A. 3 on a bigger external monitor without a distracting and cumbersome hdmi cable sticking out from their device. With the WWDC keynote in 24 hours be sure to expect a full wrap up here at thePADblog!